How to Make a Wood Flower Vase

June 17, 2014


This week my neighbor gave me a chunk of cherry (same neighbor who gave me the poplar blank). I knew I wanted to turn something with this piece of wood, but I wasn’t sure what. To be honest, I don’t even know how I came up with this idea, but it just came to me! It seems like whenever I turn something on my lathe, I just start turning without a real game plan. I knew I wanted a shape that resembled a bowling ball, but instead of a pin shaped top, I wanted it to flare out. Once I was all done turning, I sanded the vase when it was still on the lathe (my favorite type of sanding). Once sanded, I put some wipe-on poly. Simply drill a hole in the top of the vase and stick a few flowers in it and I think it gives it a nice look. I really like the way cherry looks when it’s finished.


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