How to Make a Floor Sweep

March 31, 2015


This week I’m making a floor sweep that is compatible with my shop vac. I started out by taking some scrap 1×3 pine and cutting 2 pieces to the same size for the sides. Then I cut the back piece to a size that felt right for my shop. After that, I drilled a 1 7/8″ hole for the shop vac to go in the back piece. I connected the side pieces to the back and added some 1/4″MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) for the top. I tested it out and realized that I wasn’t getting the results I wanted. The dust was getting stuck in the corners. This led me to cutting 2 more equal pieces of 1×3 to angle the dust towards the hole. This help direct the dust into the hole and I was satisfied with the results. I plan on painting this project in the future, but I ran out of time to do that this week.


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