Inventables X Carve Review

November 24, 2015


This week I’m getting back into my weekly woodworking videos and today I have a very special video, the X Carve review! A couple months ago I was contacted by Inventables and they asked me if I would review their newest machine, the X Carve. Without any hesitation, I said yes! After a couple weeks of using this machine I can honestly say it’s one of the coolest tools I’ve been able to use in my life. The X Carve is by far one of the most inexpensive CNC machines on the market, but don’t underestimate its capabilities because of the price. The reason this machine can be sold for such a low price is because it comes completely unassembled. I can say with 100% confidence, that I would recommend this machine to anyone who has an interest in not only woodworking, but creating/making things in general. This machine can not only cut wood, but it can cut plastics, corks, MDF, aluminum, and much more! I would like to give a big THANK YOU to Inventables for giving me the opportunity to review this machine! Be sure to check out there website (link below)!


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