How to Make a Pitching Mound

April 19, 2016


This week my friend Landon and I made a pitching mound for our backyard wiffle ball league. We set out to build this mound to avoid the fire pit that is in the middle of our wiffle ball field. If we use this mound, we can cover the hole in the ground where the fire pit is. For this project, I used a lot of scrap wood that I’ve had laying around the shop for years. All of our pieces were ripped down on the table saw to 2×8’s and the side lengths are 8′ long for the mound. The mound is roughly 8″ high and 48″ wide after it was all assembled. I used 3/4″ particle board for the top of the mound and we painted everything green to blend into the grass. Since we’ll only be using the mound a few times a week, we wanted an easy way of being able to move it. We found some leftover lawn mower wheels in my garage and attached them to the sides of the mound. This allows us to roll the mound on and off the grass with ease. After doing a few test pitches, this mound is ready for game time!


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