How to Make a Foul Pole

August 23, 2016


This week I thought it would be fun to change it up a bit and work with some PVC pipe. I thought it would be a cool addition if I added foul poles to my baseball field. I purchased 4 pieces of 1 1/4″ PVC pipe at 10′ long, 2- 1 1/4″ ‘T’ pieces, 6- 1 1/4″ Elbows, 1- 2′ piece of 2″ PVC pipe, and 2- 1 1/4″ couplers (these are optional if you had to get your 10′ pieces of pipe cut down to 5′ in order to fit them in your car). Once I had all these pieces, I cut the 1 1/4″ pipes down to 4 pieces at 12″ long and 4 at 35″ long. This gave me the box portion at the top of the poles. Then I added 2- 5′ pieces of 1 1/4″ pipe onto the end of the top and used a coupler to join the 2- 5′ pieces together. I painted them yellow and zip tied some net to the top to give it a more realistic look and then placed 1′ of my 2″ wide pipe into the ground on each side of the field. This allows me to put the poles up and down instantly.

BONUS TIP: The same idea can be used for a volleyball net!


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