How to Make the Original Sauce Kit

September 6, 2016


After multiple requests to make a homemade version of ‘The Original Sauce Kit’, I was able to come up with one. For the frame of the net, I used 3/4″ thick PVC pipe and made my nets 10″x10″ wide. I wasn’t able to figure out how big the factory version of this product was so I just had to guess, but I think the size is perfect. After I cut and assembled the PVC pipe, I painted it red to  match a real hockey net. While the paint was drying, I cut my sheets of plywood down to size and screwed a 2×4 to the base plate. After a quick sanding, I painted the wooden pieces all black. I connected the base to the ramp using a few hinges. This allows me to store the ramps and unfold them when they’re in use. For the netting, I found a sports bag that had the perfect size net. I was able to cut the net to size and zip tied it to the PVC pipe.  I connected the PVC pipe to the base plate by running a bolt through on each side of the net. Last but not least, I added velcro to hold the ramp closed when it’s not in use. If you’d like to make this project yourself, I’ve included a shopping/cut list down below!

Shopping List:

1- 10′ Piece of 3/4″ PVC Pipe

12- 90 Degree Elbows

1- 2’x4′ Sheet of 1/2″ Plywood

1- Scrap Piece of a 2×4 (18″ Total)

1- Red and Black can of Spray Paint

4- 2.5″ Long 1/4″ Wide Bolts

4- 1/4″ Nuts and Washers

2- Sets of Hinges (A total of 4 individual hinges)

Netting (I used a sports bag and cut it up)

Zip Ties


Cut List:

12- 10″ Pieces of 3/4″ PVC Pipe

2- 12.5″x12.5″ Pieces of 1/2″ Plywood

2- 12.5″x9″ Pieces of 1/2″ Plywood

2- 9″ Pieces of 2″x4″


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