How to Make Acoustic Panels

July 27, 2021


This week I’m building acoustic panels to place around my computer setup. Acoustic panels are used to absorb sound and reduce background noise, reverberation and echo in a room. To get started on this project, I began by ripping a few sheets of plywood I had laying around down to 2 3/4″ wide strips on my table saw. I then cut all my pieces down to their final lengths (I’ve included a cutting list below for exact dimensions). Using my pocket hole jig, I drilled holes for the screws to go. Don’t sweat it if you don’t have a pocket hole jig, you can just use regular wood screws. On the 4- 24″ long pieces, I used a keyhole bit to route a 2″ long section on each side of the board. This will allow me to hang the panel flush against the wall when it’s all said and done. With my four boards routed, I screwed all the boards together using 1 1/4″ long pocket hole screws. I can now add the 2″ thick Owens Corning Fiberglass Insulation and begin wrapping the frames in duck canvas fabric. Using a staple gun, I pulled the canvas taut and stapled it to the plywood frame. Using a razor, I cut the excess fabric off the backside and now my panels are ready to be hung up. After running a few tests, I couldn’t be happier with how these panels not only function, but look as well. If you would like to build these panels yourself, I’ve left a shopping and cutting list below to help you get started!

Shopping List (For 4 Panels):

3- 3/4″ Thick Sheets of 2’x4′ Plywood (Or 1- 4’x8′ Sheet)

2″ Thick Owens Corning 703 Rigid Fiberglass Insulation (6- 2’x4′ Panels per box)

8- Yards of Duck Canvas Fabric (Don’t be afraid to order extra)

1- Box of 3/8″ Staples for a Staple Gun

1- Box of 1 1/4″ Pocket Hole Screws (If you have a pocket hole jig)

Cut List (For 4 Panels):

8- 48″ Long Pieces (Sides)

8- 25 1/2″ Long Pieces (Tops/Bottoms)

4- 24″ Long Pieces (For Hanging the Frames)


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