How to Make a Ping Pong Paddle

January 19, 2016


This week I’m making a ping pong paddle with the help of my X Carve. If you don’t have a CNC machine though, don’t worry. It’s definitely not a necessity for this project. To get started, I began by making a template, which is available down below for free! You’ll need to download it and print it out or import it into your CNC software. I used a CNC to cut this paddle out, but you can cut it out by hand just as easily. I used 1/4″ plywood for the blade of the paddle and 1/4″ cherry for the handle grips. Once I had all my pieces cut out, I routed a  1/4″ round-over on my handle pieces to give them a nice feel. From there, I glued the handles onto the blade and gave the paddle a nice clear coat finish. Now it’s just a matter of selecting what kind of material you want to put on your paddle. I like to use a sandpaper paddle opposed to a rubber paddle so I glued on sandpaper to each side and used a razor to cut the excess off. Now I’m ready to play against my family and friends!


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