How to Make a Hockey Puck Rebounder

June 30, 2015


Today I’m remaking my hockey puck rebounder that I made back in 2013. This updated version allows you to fire the puck into the rebounder as hard as you can and the puck will rebound with ease. I started with two new ideas in mind. The first idea was to copy the design of the Extreme Passing Kit which is sold in stores for $174.95 (at the time this video was released), but mine will only set you back about $10.00! I started by grabbing a piece of 3/4″ thick plywood I had laying around the shop and cut it into a similar shape as the store bought ones (I’ve made a template since this video was released). I then drilled a 1/2″ hole in each of the four corners and ran a 4″ long bolt through it with a washer on each side and a nut on the bottom. Shortly after filming this video, I realized if I cut the bolt to 2.5″ then there’s less clearance between the puck and the top of the board. This prevents the puck from flipping over/under the bungee cord and is the key to getting the best results with this rebounder. After I had the bolts installed, I cut the ends off of a bungee cord and zip-tied them to make a loop on each end. Now it’s just a matter of hooking the bungee cord around the front bolts and you’re all done! I recommend putting a rock or something heavy on top of it to prevent it from moving, but other than that, this rebounder works great.

The second design I tried was an attempt to make a very low profile one that was permanently mounted to a shooting pad. However, this design didn’t work out nearly as good as the first one and would advised against making it.

BONUS TIP: The shooting pad I have is actually a product called Polywall (I got mine at Home Depot) and it’s a fraction of the price compared to the ones hockey stores sell. It comes in a large 4’x8′ sheet and the puck slides extremely well on it. It also protects your good sticks from wearing out on the concrete.

Shopping List:

1- 2’x4′ Piece of 3/4″ Thick Plywood

4- 1/2″ Bolts at 2.5″ Long

4- 1/2″ Nuts

8- 1/2″ Washers

1- Bungee Cord (The thicker the better)

1- 4’x8′ Sheet of Polywall (Shooting Pad)


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